Measurelab Tools

Here's some tools we have developed to help us get our jobs done.
You might like to use them too.

Universal Analytics Backfill

Grab all your important historical Universal Analytics reports and store in BigQuery for future comparative analysis and dashboarding.

Deploy Server-Side GTM

Rapid deployment of server-side Google Tag Manager (sGTM) to your cloud infrastructure, with minimal fuss. Ongoing management made simple.

GA4 Auditor

A useful auditing tool that semi-automatically assessed all the information we need on your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) set-up so we can make sure it is ready for duty.

GTM Auditor

A hassle free way to peek below the hood of your Google Tag Manager (GTM) container - to see what is no longer needed, help free up some much needed space and speed things up again.

Your data swot team

No-nonsense analytics consulting, support and training for marketers, analysts and agencies.